Patriot FR400 Fiber Rotary Cutting system:
Laser Specification
Laser source : Yb doped Compact Fiber Laser
Make : SPI Laser
Wavelength : 1070 10 nm
Maximum modulation rate: 100 kHz
Minimum pulse width : <10 S
Full angle divergence : 3.5 mrad(2)
M2 / Beam parameter : <1.1 (nominal) <0.37 mm. mrad
Cooling : Water Cooled
CNC Specification
Max Pipe length : 2.0M
Max Pipe Dia : 200 mm
Accuracy : Positioning and Cutting : 0.070 mm
Processing speed : 1M to 4M /min (as per job design and Wall thickness)
Assist Gas : Oxygen, Nitrogen
Assist Gas Pressure : 0.3 Bar to 8 Bar (Regulated through laser Control)
Power Consumption
: 1 phase, 230 VAC, 4.5KW max
: ScanCut R (accepting dxf of Acad)
Maximum wall thickness of pipe that can be cut
: 3mm / 400W power
Minimum wall thickness of pipe that can be cut
: 0.3mm / 75W power
: Beckhoff
Auto Focus
: Precitech Head.
S.S, M.S. Aluminium (1/4th of MS thickness for the rated laser power)